
Inspire were appointed by Minton Care to undertake the Concept Design, and Planning submission of a Care Home Development in the coastal town of  Dartmouth in Devon just off Townstal Road.

The development consists of 69 bedrooms for care and associated communal areas, including a lounge, dinining room and the requisit treatment and staff facilities. The  main entrance is brought to prominence with the inclusion of series of terraced balconies and signage to clearly direct visitors and residents and increase legibility.

The northern and western elevations contributes to the street scene, which is the main face the design presents to the public domain when approaching the site and has been carefully designed with a vertical rhythm accentuated by the use of gable features, a common element of Dartmouth architecture.

To the east the building wraps around the main communal gardens. Here the pattern found elsewhere in the building continues enriched by the introduction of a glazed conservatory and two terraces serving the dining/lounge areas. These changes in height, materials and the pattern of the fenestration adds interest and texture to these façades.

Finally, the slate roof links all the various aspect of the building together. It has ridges parallel to the main road network and set at varied heights bringing movement and variation to the composition.

Client – Minton Care

Location – Dartmouth

Year – 2022 – Planning Approved

Size – 4,300 sqm