
Inspire were appointed to undertake the Concept Design and Planning submission for a development totalling 52 No apartments including 9 affordable housing units on site made up of 5 intermediate and 4 social rented

The final design illustrates a J shape around the periphery of the site with the main access and open areas  located to the front. The intention was to respond to the context with the higher elements of the building to the back of the site allowing some privacy to be given to the main frontage where it meets the busy Port Road and the sea front beyond.

The building incorporates lower ground floor parking in an under croft, and a garden frontage for the enjoyment of the residents.

Client – Private

Location – Porthcawl

Year – 2022 Planning Approved

Size – 52 Apartments  including 9 No for mixed tenure.

Area – 4,870 sqm