
Inspire were appointed by Kilo Properties to undertake the Concept Design, Planning and Technical Design of a new 40,000 sqft food store in Middle Wichel, Swindon for the occupier Waitrose. The foodstore is a contemporary building encompassing sustainable technologies within a landscaped setting, while being the catalyst for the creation of a new district centre to support the wider housing proposal surrounding the site. The butterfly roof design forming the most striking element serves to link the upper urban street with the lower car park adjacent to the canal. The timber soffit, a feature often forgotten in buildings of this type, acts as its own elevation and encourages you to look up and then explore the building around you. The food store acts as the main arrival point and car park for the district centre which will widen choice and availability for local residents. When completed the scheme successfully achieved a BREEAM very good rating.


Client – Kilo Properties

Location – Swindon

Year – 2014

Size – 40,000 sqft